

The project aims primarily to organize a seminar in Belgrade and with the help of this event launch the establishment of a border-crossing academic network of scholars of gender studies in the Balkan area (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey) and later on a platform of experts in gender questions in the Balkan context. These actions will serve as a tool in addressing the question of gender in a more comprehensive manner. The participants of the seminar have already earlier worked on and currently do research on questions and issues that concern gender and women’s freedoms and rights in the Balkan context and the project will bring them together in order to promote more intensive academic interaction concerning these topics. The project involves scholars in a trans- and interdisciplinary manner as the topic gathers together scholars from gender studies, religious studies and Balkan studies, political and human sciences, e.g. ethnic, social, political, linguistic, historical, ethnological approaches can be used.
