
List of references


Name of the contracting authority / partner

Objective of the project

Starting date

ADRURAL - Empowering ADRION rural communities to innovate


European Union

ADRURAL project aims to empower rural communities through the use of existing tested & innovative Smart Solutions and other innovation Solutions scenarios & models, addressing key societal and environmental rural challenges. These challenges will be addressed via community-led innovations / Smart Solutions (developed by other projects or initiatives and covering a wide range of relevant challenges faced by rural communities across the EU) , from - indicatively- the following five domains: Circular Bioeconomy, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management, Resilience to Shocks, Citizen Engagement and Quality of Life, Lifelong Education and Training and Climate Adaptation and Mitigation etc.

Sept 2024

Together Towards 2030

Ministry of Education, Serbia

The project "Together Towards 2030" represents an ambitious initiative with the main goal of creating a new regional cooperation framework in the Balkans, aimed at achieving coordinated development of cross-border areas by the year 2030. The project focuses on enhancing the capacities of local actors, encouraging joint planning and implementation of projects as part of improved good governance policies.

Through various activities, including trainings, workshops, and creative dialogue platforms, the project will enable local-level actors to become catalysts for development, organize joint initiatives, and direct cross-border development. As a result, the aim is to create a stable and sustainable framework that will support the joint growth and prosperity of cross-border communities in the Balkans.

April 2024

Development concept of the Western Balkans Centre of the University of Pécs

University of Pécs

CESCI Balkans developed the concept of the Western Balkans Centre of the University of Pécs. The expert study contains a number of analyses and evaluation:

Assessment and analysis of the existing organisational, human, relational, research and training

capacities of the University.

Mapping available and accessible Hungarian national and local capacities and resources.

An evaluation of the functions of the "Western Balkans Centre"

Mapping of needs at national level, from a foreign affairs-diplomatic, economic-development and national defence perspectives.

A detailed presentation of the role in the EU integration process of the Western Balkans.

Within the framework of the study, concrete actions, measures and decisions were formulated

November 2023

Concept of the expansion of the Pannon EGTC to the Western Balkans

Pannon EGTC

CESCI Balkans has been commissioned to develop the study/analysis "Concept for the Pannon EGTC Western Balkans Expansion"

Benefits of expanding the Pannon EGTC to the Western Balkans

Assessment of the regulatory environment

A concept for the extension of the Pannon EGTC to the Western Balkans, with a preliminary outline of possible further directions for institutional development to strengthen the EGTC's role.

December 2022

Ambulance service across the Schengen border

European Commission

Association of European Border Regions (AEBR)

Supporting the activities of the initiative that included the analysis of the existing legal framework and the potential derogations thereof, with a special focus on:

• the national rules steering the emergency care services in Hungary, Romania and Serbia;

• the EU level legislation addressing cross-border health and emergency services being in effect in Hungary and Romania and gradually entering into force in Serbia as a candidate country;

• the Schengen Agreement and the Schengen Borders Code defining the rules and exceptions to be applied at the external Schengen borders;

• the existing bilateral agreements on disaster management

The activities were coordinated by the Cesci office in Budapest.

December 2022

Study on "The concept of the enlargement of the Pannon EGTC to the Western Balkans"

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Hungary

Development of an Expert Study on "The concept of the enlargement of the Pannon EGTC to the Western Balkans" within the framework of the project "Operating and project financing support of the Pannon EGTC in 2022"

November 2022

Leadership Academy Programme for Cross-border cooperation (SRB-BLG)

Council of Europe

Implementation of the Leadership Academy Programme for Cross-border cooperation in Serbia and Bulgaria:

Finalization of the Strategic plan and the action plan

Development of a Legal Roadmap

Finalization of the new cooperation memorandum

Organization of a three-day event in Sofia with a signing ceremony

June 2022

Second Phase evaluation of the Hungary-Serbia IPA CBC Programme

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Hungary

Central European Service for Cross-border Initiatives Hungary

Second phase evaluation of the Hungary-Serbia IPA CBC Programme

(Supporting the evaluation process carried out in cooperation with Cesci Budapest office -

Interviewing, data collection and activities carried out in Serbia)

The evaluation is built up by three main parts: 1. General features of the programme; 2. Evaluation per Priority Area; 3. Evaluation at programme level

December 2021

Balkan Borders Research

Council of Europe

Wide-scope research of the borders and countries in the Balkans analyzing a number of topics and indicators relevant to borders; changing status of the Balkans borders, economic indicators, politics, geopolitics, demographics, legislative frameworks, Transnational territorial strategic frameworks, funding scheme frameworks, transnational initiatives, cross-border structures, Recommendations for better cross-border cooperation in the Western Balkans.

October 2021

Leadership Academy Programme for Cross-border cooperation (SRB-BLG)

Council of Europe

Further implementation of the Leadership Academy Programme for Cross-border cooperation in Serbia and Bulgaria:

Conduction of the strategic planning process, workshops, mentorship

Desk research on national/international legal framework(s) in the Balkans related to CBC

Desk research on legal/regulatory issues, obstacles in the Balkans related to CBC

Preparation of a survey on legal/regulatory issues, obstacles

October 2021

Leadership Academy Programme for Cross-border cooperation (SRB-BLG)

Council of Europe

Implementation of the Leadership Academy Programme for Cross-border cooperation in Serbia and Bulgaria – Third stage of the training, further development of the benchmarking instruments / mentoring process of the municipalities involved in CBC


Marketing plan for developing tourism in the border region SRB-HU

Interreg-IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia Programme

Marketing plan for tourism development based on research and socio-models of economic development for the border region Serbia Hungary (IPA Programme target area)

Delivery of the project “Natural selfness” (NATESS) - Interreg-IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia Programme

April 2020

Leadership Academy Programme for Cross-border cooperation (GR-NMK)

Council of Europe

Implementation training programme on Leadership for Cross-Border cooperation designed for the local authorities of the bordering regions of Greece and the Republic of North Macedonia.

Organization of the Training of trainers

March 2020

Research on legal obstacles and opportunities for cross-border trade of traditional food products in the IPA target area

Interreg-IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia Programme

Development of a research on legal obstacles and opportunities for cross-border trade of traditional food products in the IPA target area focusing on the border region Serbia – Hungary.

Deliverable of the project Traditional and Standard Quality (TASQ) - Interreg-IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia Programme.

The research was coordinated by the Cesci Budapest office.

January 2020

European, Serbian, Bulgarian and Scandinavian perspectives on European Territorial Cooperation Post 2020

Interreg Sweden – Norway, regions of Västra Götaland, Värmland, Dalarna, Hedmark, Akershus and Østfold

Seminar on European, Serbian, Bulgarian and Scandinavian Perspectives on European Territorial cooperation post-2020, organized on 31st October 2019, in Belgrade, City Hall.

The Seminar was organised by Interreg Sweden – Norway Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS), and the Association of the European Border Regions (AEBR), AEBR Balkans and the CESCI Balkans as part of a Study tour of political representatives from the regions of Västra Götaland, Värmland, Dalarna, Hedmark, Akershus and Østfold.

October 2019

Thematic preparation of the Hungary-Serbia IPA CBC Programme 2021-2027

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Hungary

Central European Service for Cross-border Initiatives Hungary

Thematic preparation of the Hungary-Serbia IPA CBC Programme 2021-2027 as part of the programming process

(Supporting the preparation of the Territorial Analysis, other related processes carried out in cooperation with Cesci Budapest office - data collection, workshops and activities carried out in Serbia)

August 2019

Leadership Academy Programme for Cross-border cooperation (SRB-BLG)

Council of Europe

Implementation of the Leadership Academy Programme for Cross-border cooperation in Serbia and Bulgaria, mentoring process of the municipalities involved in CBC

March 2019

Research on the Hungarian-Croatian border region – development of the M6-A5 transport corridor

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Hungary

Central European Service for Cross-border Initiatives Hungary

Research on the Hungarian-Croatian border region: mutually beneficial social and economic development opportunities, cross-border cooperation potentials –

Targeted research that is focusing on the eastern section of the Hungarian-Croatian border region and strives to identify the jointly advantageous regional development opportunities and challenges arising from the cross-border connection and extension of the north-south transport corridor M6-A5.

February 2019

First Phase evaluation of the Hungary-Serbia IPA CBC Programme

Prime Minister’s Office Hungary

Central European Service for Cross-border Initiatives Hungary

First Phase evaluation of the Hungary-Serbia IPA CBC Programme

(Supporting the evaluation process carried out in cooperation with Cesci Budapest office -

Interviewing, data collection and activities carried out in Serbia)

March 2018

Leadership Academy Programme for Cross-border cooperation (SRB-HU-CRO)

Council of Europe

Implementation of the Leadership Academy Programme for Cross-border cooperation in Serbia, Hungary and Croatia

March 2018

Touristic Development Strategy of the Vojvodina Region Touristic web portal presenting the touristic potentials of the region

Government of Hungary,

Foundation Prosperitati

Development of the Touristic Development Strategy of the Vojvodina Region

Development of a touristic web portal presenting all the touristic potential of the region in 4 languages (SRB, HU, ENG, DE)

November 2017

Secco 2 - Youth for cross-border partnership and cohesion of EUSDR and EUSAIR – Danube Strategic Project

Danube Strategic Project Fund

European Union and the City of Vienna

To strengthen the cohesion of the two macroregions through easing border permeability and mutual understanding of the nations – with a special focus on next generations.

Specific objectives: to ease border permeability and mutual understanding through improving capacities of current and future cross-border players, and conditions for networking.

November 2017

Contributions f(or)our Communities - C4C


The project brings a new dimension into local and international youth involvement and cooperation integrating both marginalised youth and youth that are already supported in different NGO structures.

The methods applied will help young people to reflect and express their opinions about actual topics and to make youngsters from different backgrounds feel connected in order to build trust through and understanding through community work that can be applied no matter the country or the region.

October 2017

Harmonisation of the EGTC legislation in Serbia

Ministry of Justice in Hungary

Central European Service for Cross-border Initiatives Hungary

Analysis of the Serbian legislation and regulatory framework ratifying the Madrid Outline Convention

International conference on Legal Accessibility - Serbia’s participation in European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) and Euroregional Cooperation Grouping (ECG)

Development of a legislative proposal for the applicability of the EGTC regulation in Serbia

June 2017


Assembly of the AP Vojvodina

Association of the European Border Regions

Serbian European Integration Office

EU Delegation in Serbia

The International Conference “Women in Rural Areas and Cross-border Cooperation” was held on the 6th March 2017 in Novi Sad in the Assembly Hall of the AP Vojvodina. More than 120 people attended the conference to talk about the challenges as well as the opportunities for women in rural areas


The role of young people in cross-border cooperation – meeting of young leaders

AEBR, AEBR Center for Balkans

Timiș County Youth Foundation

Together with Timiș County Youth Foundation and the AEBR we organised an event called “The role of young people in cross-border cooperation – meeting of leaders of the youth” between 16th and 19th February 2017 in Timișoara, Romania. During roundtable discussions and workshops the following topics were targeted: participation of the youth in the elaboration of policies; best practices in cross-border cooperation, furthermore cross-border project development.

February 2017

Youth for Road Safety


The training "Youth for Road Safety" held in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, from 1 to 7 November 2017.

Education and raising awareness among youth for their responsible participation in the traffic

Encouraging and motivating youth to actively engage in social processes with a special focus on stimulating them to establish organisations and to implement activities for improving the road traffic safety

Training and qualifying the youth for implementation of projects and traffic education campaigns

Collecting ideas, initiatives, proposals and suggestions from youth and their implementation in the

direction of improving the road traffic safety

Active inclusion and support of youth in social processes and activities

Organisation of traffic education event for the purpose of educating the participants in the traffic

and reducing the number of dead and injured persons in traffic accidents

Strengthening the communication skills and networking of youth from different countries in

Europe and the region.

January 2017

CBC Database

Határ Menti Innovációs Kft, Budapest

Development of a database gathering Serbian actors involved in cross-border co-operation



Study elaborating cities, cross-border structures, major institutions operating in the border areas, governmental bodies relevant for CBC.

October 2016

International Conference "Development of Media Literacy and Information in Serbia and Region"

Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

Media Education Center

AEBR Center for Balkans

CESCI Balkans, Media Education Center and AEBR Center for Balkans organized International Conference "Development of Media Literacy and Information in Serbia and Region" in Novi Sad, on August 1st, with the support of the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The conference covered the topic about Media Literacy and Information Literacy as a ground for the development of Global and Sustainable Education and achievement of Millennium Development Goals, and presented the project “Danube Peace Boat” managed by Media Education Center and also about the organization “United in diversity”.

August 2016

Network Start-ups 101 –

StartUP Yourself



To improve the entrepreneurship of the inexperienced, help the disadvantaged, unemployed youngsters to create the foundation of their self-sustaining life. Raise their awareness in the topic of the self-employing methods offered by internet and the benefits of these, form such skills and competences which are required to start their own enterprises. Cooperation between HU-SRB-GER

April 2016

Study on establishing a company in Serbia

Határ Menti Innovációs Kft, Budapest

Development of a study on establishing a company in Serbia (responsible authorities, banking system, funding opportunities, market access, support to foreign companies, international fairs in Serbia, taxes, contributions, wages)

March 2016

Micro-regional cross-border map of funding sources

Határon Átnyúló Kezdeményezések Közép-európai Segítő Szolgálata, Budapest

Participation in a research program encouraged by the national coordination of the Danube Region Strategy, aiming to develop a micro-regional cross-border map of funding sources related to Baja city and its surrounding areas – Trilateral cooperation between HU-SRB-CRO (Baja, Osijek, Beli Manastir, Sombor, Apatin, Mohacs)

December 2015

Regional reports on the situation of Hungarian professional trainings abroad

Határon Átnyúló Kezdeményezések Közép-európai Segítő Szolgálata, Budapest

Development of regional reports on the situation of Hungarian professional trainings abroad

November 2015

Spatial planning and cross-border cooperation for local authorities

Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Serbia

Organize a seminar on Spatial planning and cross-border cooperation for representatives of local governments from Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia & Herzegovina: mayors and deputy mayors, chiefs and employees at Urban and Spatial planning departments of the Municipalities and directors, employees of the Directorate for Planning and Constructions within the Municipalities

October 2015

VII Youth Forum with AEBR

Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

Association of European Border Region

AEBR Center for Balkans

Five-day long Forum entitled Youth as the EU’s driving force. Over 50 young people from all over Europe joined the forum’s thematic workshops in the Parliament of Vojvodina.

September 2015

Support to Ratification of the Madrid Outline Convention

Council of Europe, the Serbian Ministry’s Integration Office (SEIO), the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Public Administration

Contribution to the ratification of the Madrid Framework Convention. CESCI Balkans had a mediatory and lobbying role between the Council of Europe, the Serbian Ministry’s Integration Office, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the Ministry of Public Administration, in providing all necessary conditions for the Serbian ratification

September 2015

Providing support to Cross-border cooperation in the Balkans

Határon Átnyúló Kezdeményezések Közép-európai Segítő Szolgálata, Budapest

Promote cross-border cooperation in the Balkan region by providing professional support and establishing the office of CESCI for the Balkans

May 2015

Aktivnosti: U pripremi
